Monday, December 20, 2010

Calendar 12/20-12/24


Economics, Unions, and the Presidency; running for Congress

HW due – past assignments.  

HW – Start Review Guide for unit.  Finish any outstanding assignments from the past week.

Finish documentary

HW due – past assignments – last break.  

HW – Finish Review Guide for unit.  We will have a quiz on terms, concepts and ideas on 1/3.

Enjoy your WINTER BREAK!


Winter Break HW

I'm going to handout a homework assignment that many of you will choose to work on over the Winter Break.  For some reason, I can't figure out how to post it here.  Please shoot me an e-mail if you miss class and need a copy.  I can send it to you in Word or PDF format.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Revision to HW Calendar for 12/17

Hey guys, my bad about forgetting the handouts this morning, along with my socks, but I will make sure to have them for you on Friday.  We're going to finish the Frontline special about the health care debate, read through some articles about the debate going on right now, and then stage a class discussion about PACs, moving a bill through Congress, coalition building, etc.  We will still do a quiz on Tuesday, but it will be a short one and I will scale back the information on there.  I'll give you a good idea of what will be on it at the end of Friday's class.  I'll also have print copies of the calendar for next week. 

Thanks and see you on Friday.  :)

Mr. Jones

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Homework for 12/13-12/17

Continue political parties and elections.
HW due - Reading question from article.
HW - Read pages 269-294, and do the terms on Pg. 294.

Continue political parties and elections.

HW due – Pg. 294 terms.

HW – Read pages 296-320, and do the terms on Pg. 320.

Elections and voting behavior.
HW due - Pg. 320 terms.
HW – Study for quiz on Tuesday.