Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Action Projects

I've heard that some of you are concerned about getting your projects done.  Please make sure you follow the handout and are ready to present next week in class.  By this point you should have your research paper completed and your action plan (1/2 page) done, and you should have done your project and completed your log sheet.  We will have presentations in class this week and next week.  Please, please make sure that you see me ASAP with any questions.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

REPOST: Publisher's Review Information

Practice tests, sample notecards and other resources:

It might help you out if you've exhausted all of the practice tests in your own review book.  Though, if you've done that, you should be looking good for next week.  Good luck!  :)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Plan for Sunday's Review

We are going to take a full-length practice test and then review the answers.  This is good practice because this is the exact format that you will confront on the exam in two weeks.  I'm thinking we are going to need at least one more review session before the exam; I'll announce the date and time either in class or on Sunday.  Thanks!

HW for 4/29

Due Tuesday, 5/3:  Read the last chapter and do the terms.  We are going to go over it briefly in class on Tuesday and then work through practice questions.  Also, make sure you get the Review Assignment done for Tuesday.

Assignment for 4/29

Review Session Assignment  **Test Grade **
We are getting down to the wire – the AP Exam is looming and we’ve got much to do – so you and your peers will be responsible for helping us all to collectively prepared during our in-class review sessions.  You must do the following:
1.       Prepare a study outline with terms and relevant content for your assigned chapter – you will give me the handouts to copy and everyone will receive a copy of everyone’s work.
2.       Be prepared to lead a 10 minute review on your assigned chapter to the class.  You might want to utilize Powerpoint or other resources to help re-teach content that you think others might have difficulty understanding.
** If you aren't in class on Friday, 4/29, you need to e-mail me for your Chapter assignment.  This is due on Tuesday, May 11th at the start of class.  **

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

AP Exam Date and Time

Our test date and time has been confirmed and released.  Your exam will be Tuesday, May 10th from 7:30-11:45 am in Rm. 184.  Make sure you see Mrs. Cratty to pay for your exam if you haven't yet - it's important.  The end is near... study! 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Publisher's website - Review materials


HW for 4/25 and 4/27 - Amended

For Wednesday 4/27: 
-  Finish class assignment – see me with questions.
-  Read pgs. 564-585 and do the terms on Pg. 585

For Friday 4/29:
-  Read pgs. 588-612 and do the terms on Pg. 612.
-  Read pgs. 615-651 and do the terms on Pg. 651. 

Optional Review Session:
Sunday, May 1st – 10:30am to 12:30pm – MHS Teacher’s Lounge

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Class Assignment - 4/25

This is an assignment that we are going to be working on during class on Monday, 4/25.  You don't have to start this early if you see it beforehand but feel free to look around.

First, use the Internet to research the following primary sources and trends in social welfare spending:

- The Social Security Act of 1935
- Aid to Families with Dependent Children (1959) & Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (1996)
- Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996

Then, take a look at a summary of a book by Peter Diamond and Peter Orszag (Obama's former Budget head) called Saving Social Security: A Balanced Approach.  Trend lightly and quickly, despite being a summary, it's a long article.

Lastly, take a look at website dedicated to Congressman Paul Ryan's plan for budget reform.  Explore.  Now, google (funny how that's a verb now) responses to the Ryan Plan.  How does the opposition view the plan? 

Answer the following questions:
1.  How was welfare changed in scope from the passage of the SS Act of 1935 to the present?  Why has it changed?
2.  Why do you think Social Security and then other social welfare programs are treated differently in the eyes of many Americans? 
3.  Congress was successful in changing how social welfare programs are administered to many poor Americans - the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act - but it hasn't found the same success in reforming Social Security?  Why?
4.  What sorts of provisions do Diamond and Orszag advocate for saving Social Security?  Do you think these will find traction?  Why or why not?
5.  How does Paul Ryan hope to change Social Security and other aspects of federal spending to achieve cost savings and a balanced budget?  Do you think many Americans will be supportive of this plan?  Why or why not?

Monday, April 18, 2011

60 Minutes - Tax Havens

For those vacationgoers that missed class today, here's some video gold.  Again, this an outside link - CBS News - and MHS isn't responsible for any outside content.
Link:  60 Minutes - Tax Havens reported.  Last accessed on 4/18.

HW for April Vacation

•  Reading: Pgs. 540-561, do the terms on Pg. 561. 
•  Prepare flashcards/study guide for Bill of Rights, Constitutional Amendments, and Must Know Cases.
•  Purchase, if you haven’t already, a review guide and start studying.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

UPDATE: Date for the Review Session

Okay, I just got the new schedule for AP reviews during CAPT.  We will be meeting Thursday, March 17th - St. Patrick's Day.  I'll keep you posted on the location and I'll be bring breakfast goodies that morning.  Mr. Jones

Monday, February 28, 2011

Youtube Clips on State of the Union

We're going to be taking a look at these in class tomorrow, but if you want to watch them in their entirety, they are available on YouTube on the White House's channel (whitehouse).  YouTube video's enable viewers to leave comments about each of the video, and often these comments often employ inappropriate language and/or feature crazy ideas.  Please view at your discretion.  Again, this isn't an MHS website so we don't have any control of YouTube.  :(  Potty mouths and all.

An apology and a new calendar

Two of your fine classmates stopped by yesterday afternoon to chit-chat and brought up the fact that I've been remiss in updating the blog.  They were absolutely correct.  Sorry.  I'm glad that some of you are using it to check in on assignments, etc., and I know that it's easier for some of you to get homework calendars and reminders on here versus in class.  I'll redouble my efforts now that we are into Quarter 3.

IMPORTANT - SAVE THE DATE!  We will be having our CAPT morning review session on Friday, March 18th.  We're still working out where this will take place, but I'll be bringing coffee, juice and some other breakfast items for you.  We've got from 7:30 to 10:30am, which is a long stretch of time, but we will take a few breaks and some time to enjoy breakfast.  Please mark the date in your calendars/planners/cell phones now.

AP Government – Course Calendar

State of the Union and setting policy agendas.  EQ:  How go political goals mesh with the national interest?

HW:  Read Pgs. 434-463, and do the terms on Pg. 463. 

The Budget.
EQ:  How does the budget reflect our national goals and mood?

HW due:  Terms from Pg. 463.

HW:  Read Pgs. 466-500, and do the terms on Pg. 500.  I might have some additional reading questions for you too.

Note:  Next week’s calendar is going to be a little weird because of CAPT.  I’ll keep you appraised of what’s going on.  We are starting to get to crunch time, we’ve got to finish the Judiciary and then personal rights before the test.  If you are going to get a review guide to use, now might be the time to buy one if you haven’t already.  I would suggest going up through all of the stuff that we’ve done already.
Okay, that's all.  See you bright and early tomorrow morning!