Monday, November 19, 2012

HW and Test

Hey guys, I'll have copies of this for you tomorrow along with the sources, but this is the next two homework assignments (reading and questions) and then your first test assignment. 
Part 1:  Federalist No. 10, James Madison (attached) – Please complete for 11/26
Read Federalist No. 10 and then answer the following questions.  Please complete each response in a paragraph or two.
·        What is a faction?  Why are factions a problem in government?  What are the two methods for curing the mischiefs of faction?  What are the two methods for removing the causes of faction?
·        To what extent will enlightened leadership solve the problems of factions?  Why does Madison put more trust in the leaders than the people?  
·        Why does a republic do a better job of controlling the effects of faction than a pure democracy?  Why does a large republic do a better job of controlling the effects of faction than a small republic?
·        If you were an anti-federalist, what are some arguments that you might make against Federalist 10?
Part 2:  Excerpts from Democracy in America, Alexis de Tocqueville (attached) – Please complete for 11/28
Read the excerpts from Democracy in America and then answer the following questions.  Please complete each response in a paragraph or two.
·        What does Tocqueville mean when says that “everyone is the best and sole judge of his own private and that society has no right to control a man's actions unless they are prejudicial to the common welfare”?  What do you think the term common welfare means?
·        What is the “Spirit of New England” and what values does that represent?
·        What does Tocqueville mean by the term “Centralization”?  What are its pros and cons?
Test:  Response Paper – Due on 11/30
You should prepare a paper in which you answer the questions below having read both of the above sources.  You should use evidence from each of these documents to justify your answers (because it is good practice and sound writing).  Your paper should be 2-3 pages.  When citing from the documents, please use your MHS Style Guide for guidelines and help.  Feel free to include additional articles or resources to help you to prepare your paper.
Questions for paper assignment –
1.     What is Madison’s view of human nature? Does he think human beings are essentially good or bad? How does his answer to this question influence his approach to government?
2.     Is Madison arguing in favor of majority rule or against it? Does he trust the masses to make enlightened choices or not? How does his answer to this question influence his approach to government?
3.     There was much debate about whether the United States need a strong federal government (federalists) or strong local governments and autonomy (anti-federalists).  Do you think Tocqueville would be a federalist or anti-federalist?  Why?
4.     This debate about the role, power and authority that the federal government should have continues today.  What contemporary political issues demonstrate this tension?  Why?

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